Your search for Contaminated land assessment services found 91 companies. Click on the names of listed companies to view further details.

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  • ALM Consult Limited
    Skelmersdale, United Kingdom
    ALM Consult Limited is a specialist independent geoenvironmental consultancy providing key services to the construction, industrial, property and waste management sectors. Our core expertise is in the assessment and characterisation of greenfield and brownfield land to enable cost-effective development solutions for housing, retail and commercial uses. We additionally provide geoenvironmental services to a wide variety of property and industrial sectors in the form of environmental due diligence and divestiture audits/investigations and specialist support in Environmental Permit compliance.
  • Geol Consultants Limited
    Gateshead, United Kingdom
    Experts in site investigation & coal mining risk assessments. We provide a professional approach to solving a wide range of geotechnical and environmental issues. These range from desk-based coal mining risk assessments, through to locating former mine entries and old coal workings. We also provide an expert service in foundation design, soil and groundwater contamination risk assessments and hazardous ground gas risk assessments. We come equipped with our very own in-house drilling equipment, all of which is backed by our extensive geotechnical, geological and environmental expertise. Meanwhile, our own highly experienced investigation teams maintain direct control of all aspects of the required investigation to ensure that we consistently achieve the most accurate and reliable results.
  • GO Contaminated Land Solutions Ltd
    London, United Kingdom
    Our aim is always to listen first and then work with our client develop an appropriate solution for your project. We understand that while many of our clients are experienced in managing projects and negotiating the planning process many are not and we are always ready to provide advice and guidance. We will advise on the appropriate level and type of investigation and are able to offer a range of services from an initial phase 1 environmental report or desktop study, intrusive investigations and if required project manage the remediation process through to completion and verification all in agreement with the relevant authorities.
  • RSK Geosciences
    Helsby, United Kingdom
    RSK Geosciences, now incorporating Leap Environmental and Carbon Zero Consulting, is the UK’s leading site investigation, contaminated land and geotechnical consultancy. We have more than 30 years of experience of design, implementation and interpretative reporting along expert witness services. We help our clients to realise opportunities and manage the potential liabilities associated with the acquisition, ownership, operation, development and divestiture of land. We work for both the public and private sectors, including many of the UK’s leading property developers, major and local house builders, utility providers and main contractors, local authorities and other government organisations. We have more than 300 professional staff based out offices across the UK, who carry out site investigation and geophysical and topographical surveys across a wide range of sectors. This network of offices enables us to provide a responsive turnaround to enquiries, mobilise quickly to site and the breadth of experience to provide real life solutions. Carbon Zero Consulting provide a single point of independent expertise in key areas of renewable heating (ground source heat pump (GSHP) technology), groundwater supply and management, borehole design and regulation. With a combined 40 years’ experience, the team is a leading provider of advice and design expertise in the UK renewable heating sector. Leap Environmental specialise in all areas of?land quality and contaminated land assessments; quantitative risk assessment for soils,?gases?and waters; remediation design costing and verification;?geotechnical engineering; assessment, design of foundations, ground improvement, piling, retaining walls, slopes and basements; and assessments of carbon footprint and nutrient neutrality along with expert services.
  • EMCUS Ltd
    Belper, United Kingdom
    Emcus undertake desk studies, coal mining risk assessments, ground investigations and provide geotechnical & geo-environmental consultancy services for a wide range of projects, including residential developments, commercial & industrial buildings, machine bases, silos, tanks and infrastructure schemes. We have considerable experience in the investigation & assessment of brownfield sites, undermined areas, historic opencast mines / quarries and steep slopes, allowing us to achieve economic, pragmatic solutions to the development and operation of your site.
  • Wesson Environmental
    Bristol, United Kingdom
    Wesson Environmental specialise in cost effective contaminated land site investigation services, including desktop studies and intrusive investigations. We have considerable experience in dealing with sites that may potentially be impacted by land contamination. We have regulatory and hands on experience developed through numerous projects from small single unit developments through to large sites of several hectares. We additionally provide geotechnical investigation, sustainable drainage (SuDS) and remediation services.
  • AdvanSci Limited
    Stockport, United Kingdom
  • AG Geo-Consultants Ltd
    Bristol, United Kingdom
  • Apple Environmental Limited
    Alton, United Kingdom
  • Ashdown Site Investigation Ltd
    Ditchling, United Kingdom
  • Aspects Services (UK) Ltd - (ASL)
    Kenilworth, United Kingdom
  • Brown 2 Green Associates Ltd
    Saffron Walden, United Kingdom
  • Brownfield Solutions Limited
    Northwich, United Kingdom
  • Carey Group Plc
    Wembley, United Kingdom
  • Castledine Environmental Ltd
    Loughborough, United Kingdom
  • CC Geotechnical Ltd (CCG)
    Liverpool, United Kingdom
  • Churngold Remediation Limited
    Bristol, United Kingdom
  • Clarkebond
    Bristol, United Kingdom
  • Constructive Evaluation Limited
    Arundel, United Kingdom
  • Cowens Ltd
    Carlisle, United Kingdom

Page 1 of 5. Results 1 to 20